
Help Stop Internet Censorship Legislation!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

THIS IS A MUST READ! Information directly related to all of us in regards to existing and proposed Federal and State laws as well as Censorship by institutions.
Internet censorship in the United States - Wikipedia, the free
Overview: The strong protections for freedom of speech and expression against federal, state, and local government censorship are rooted in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. These protections extend to the Internet and as a result very little government mandated technical filtering occurs in the U.S. Nevertheless, the Internet in the United States is highly regulated, supported by a complex set of legally binding and privately mediated mechanisms.

Internet Censorship In India
The latest instance of abuse is the gross overreach in reading provisions of India's 2008 Information Technology Act by the police, who obviously are acting at the behest of their political masters or other vested interests. The law applies to ...

Internet Censorship: Bill may kill American innovation, jobs...
There’s a battle brewing over old business models and new business models based on the Internet economy. A House Judiciary Committee hearing over the controversial Hollywood copyright bill called Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) was held today. If the bill passes, it would make it harder for Internet entrepreneurs to grow into the next Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Internet entrepreneurs have expressed that the bill will cripple innovation. Companies such as Google, Yahoo!, AOL, and organizations such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Human Rights Watch, and Reporters Without Boarders oppose the legislation.

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