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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Iran Takes Aim at Google, Wikipedia in Latest Internet Censorship Effort

Google and Wikipedia appear to be the latest victims of Iran's online censorship efforts, just two days after the Iranian government repeated — once again — that it's planning to loosen its grip on the Internet.

Iran has reportedly blocked access to another Google service, the hosting platform Google Sites, and censored at least two sensitive Wikipedia pages in Farsi in the last couple of days. It's unclear at this point if these blocks are government mandated, but if they are, activists think they would expose the Iranian government's double-sided stance on Internet freedom. Read More!

British MP thinks it will take US five years before new SOPA laws are passed

The world will likely see another two Olympic Games and two World Cup football matches before it sees any meaningful anti-piracy legislation in the US- at least according to the UK Prime Minister’s Intellectual Property Advisor. Michael Weathersley, speaking before movie and music industry groups, said that due to strong public pushback to the anti-piracy alarm three years ago it would probably take the government that long before launching another anti-piracy offensive. The industry groups and the government are still licking their wounds from the bruising battle over the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). “It’s going to be five years before anybody puts his head above the parapet again,” said Weathersley.

If his prognosticating is spot-on that would take us beyond 2020 – a veritable lifetime – before we see any legislation. SOPA, it should be noted, was defeated for reasons that had little to do with piracy. It was thought that the anti-piracy measure would stifle innovation and thus throw the baby out with the bathwater. After the SOPA debacle the copyright industry didn’t meekly fold their tents and walk away. Read More!

Hollywood Threatens Obama Over Sopa

Mpaa chief threatens Obama, congress for SOPA rejection, U.s. president Barack Obama he comments, "candidly, those who count on quote 'Hollywood' for support need to understand he does his best to argue for Orwellian laws like sopa, by trying to re-characterize the issue as a matter.

Hollywood moguls: no 'Obama boycott' over piracy stance, Photos: 10 Hollywood players that will make a difference in the 2012 elections "although disappointed with the white house statement on SOPA, Jeffrey Katzenberg will continue to fundraiser for Obama," says Andy Spahn, political consultant for Katzenberg..

Payback: did SOPA cost Obama Hollywood donors?, Can SOPA and protect IP return? leaders in the entertainment industries are traditionally big-time donors to democratic candidates and causes. but they're now sore about Obama's supposed broken promises, my Hollywood sources say. up until Saturday.

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