
Help Stop Internet Censorship Legislation!

Monday, December 9, 2013

This report actually came in this last Wednesday. Normally I try to stay on top of things but it has been a bit hectic in the office arena lately. Anyway, this article is important even if it is a few days old. Pass it on!

Internet Censorship: A Potential Threat!

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is currently being negotiated in secret without public input. However, leaked documents reveal the TPP may include an Internet censorship plan that would threaten the right to access the Internet freely and affordably.
The plan would compel Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to become Internet police and require them to monitor individual Internet use, censor website content and remove entire websites from citizen access. By forcing ISPs to install costly and invasive surveillance equipment, it would threaten our civil liberties and our right to privacy. Read More!

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