
Help Stop Internet Censorship Legislation!

Monday, September 23, 2013

A Key Element of SOPA Is Back

A lot of things contributed to the demise of the infamous Stop Online Piracy Act, a 2012 legislative proposal to severely restrict online content sharing.
There were blackouts by content sharers Wikipedia and YouTube and thousands of citizens who called or emailed their members of Congress. Ultimately President Obama came out against SOPA, as did lawmakers on the left and right, and the bill was shelved.

Google in the crosshairs of music, film industry offensive against ...

WASHINGTON — The music and movie industries are sounding the alarm again on online piracy, saying illegal downloads are on the rise and search engines like Google aren’t doing enough to stop them.
Entertainment executives say they have no intention of trying to revive failed legislation that would have imposed unprecedented regulations on Internet companies. That proposal last year prompted a fierce backlash from tech companies and activists who said it would damage the Internet as a free and open enterprise. Read More!

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