
Help Stop Internet Censorship Legislation!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cybergeddon Yahoo Voices voicesyahoocom Could we be faced with the prospect of losing the internet worldwide? According to experts the answer is yes.

Internet censorship a growing concern
The recently published Freedom on the Net 2012: A Global Assessment of Internet and Digital Media report by Freedom House, an independent watchdog organisation, highlighted the increasing trend of censoring the web across the world. Out of the 47 ...

Internet censorship beyond China
Lumbering Christmas readers over in the Western world were served up, along with their OGM dinners, yet another heartbreaking story on "Chinese censorship". Liberal newspapers in the Western world dutifully reported on the unveiling of tighter Internet ...

How expats in China stay ahead of the internet censors
The end seemed near in recent weeks for a number of expatriates in China. Not because of the Mayan apocalypse, which many Chinese actually believed would come on Dec. 21, but rather because the “Great Firewall”, China's vast internet censorship ...

Google's Schmidt Calls on North Korea to End Internet Censorship
Richardson said North Korea is anxious to improve relations with the U.S. and is encouraged by recent statements by South Korean president-elect Park Geun Hye. The delegation didn't meet leader Kim Jong Un and failed to win the release of a detained ...

SOPA, PIPA, ACTA and the battle for freedom on the internet
The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA) were proposed in US Congress before this year, but the debate raged on this and other controversial copyright legislation in 2012. Though SOPA was killed by Virginia Republican representative ...

'Shell-shocked' lawmakers shy away from online piracy in new Congress
The House's Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Senate's Protect IP Act (PIPA) grabbed national attention when Wikipedia, Reddit and scores of other websites went dark on Jan. 18 to protest the bills. The public outcry over the bills led lawmakers to ...

Still smarting from SOPA, Congress to shy away from copyright in 2013
Last January, hundreds of websites went dark to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act, a controversial proposal to use DNS filtering to censor websites suspected of infringing copyright. Millions of voters contacted their members of Congress to protest ...

SOPA blowback, and other tech predictions for 2013
The most controversial tech issue taken up by the outgoing Congress was, by far, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).

Stop Online Piracy Act - Wiki Article - YouTube
Act (SOPA) is a United States bill introduced by U.S. Representative Lamar S. Smith (R-TX) to ...

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