
Help Stop Internet Censorship Legislation!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bill to Normalize Trade With Russia Recognizes Internet Censorship as Trade ... While the report does not trigger trade retaliations in the way other tools like a Special 301 process would, this move to have USTR note Internet censorship as a trade barrier in such a report is a promising step. Internet services are leading U.S. exports and ... Western govts tighten Internet censorship In an age in which large-scale protests can be organized overnight via social media, or infrastructure networks can be shut down by hackers, Western countries are tightening Internet censorship and implementing tougher cybermonitoring policies. ... In the United Kingdom, a country which experienced Web initiated riots last year, the government published details of new cybersecurity plans in April, that included ordering ISPs and phone networks to store user data and make it available to security services. According ... Internet dragnet: China busts 10k for online crimes Police ordered 62 websites and online forums to remove inappropriate content, and issued sanctions against 30 ISPs for allowing users to bypass China's notorious internet censorship firewall. The Chinese government maintains the crackdown is necessary.

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